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MON-FRI: من الساعة 8 صباحًا حتى 9 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ
Sat -> 7:00 AM to 8:30 Pm (East African Time)
Reach Us via Email
محادثة مع US
الممثلين والمستشارين متاحون:
MON-SUN: 8 صباحًا - 9 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ
نحن هنا دائمًا للمساعدة ، ما عليك سوى ملء النموذج أدناه
الأسئلة الشائعة FREQUENTLY
How long does a return take?24 hours to 48 hours after receving a product. N/B: A return will only be accepted if the product is returned in its original Packaging & original reciept.
Which payment Methods do you accept?1). Mobile Money 2). Paypal 3). Bank Trasfer 4). Cryptocurency
How long does Delivery Take?1). If within Kenya it can take from 1 hour to 24 Hours ( Only on Business Days.) 2). For international deliveries, it takes 1 business day to 4 business days.
Can i place an order of a custom made product?Yes, You can
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